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Ustawiville's FIRST Annual Basic Member:
Norris Neal, Jr. -  8/29/21


Each Ustawiville Annual Member will receive an annual membership account, which comes with perks!

As an Ustawiville Annual Member you are helping to build and maintain our Black Owned City where our people can live and prosper. Our annual membership fees will go into building our city from the ground up.

As an annual member of Ustawiville you will be able to receive discounts in purchasing Ustawiville goods/services here Online and in Ustawiville. Plus discounts to certain Ustawiville events.


BONUS: As an Ustawiville Annual Member you will also be able to receive huge discounts for our upcoming luxury apartment leasing in Ustawiville!

For more information on our annual membership or for upgrading your membership contact us.


Annual Membership Application: For Adults Only!
(for people not businesses)

1. As a Ustawiville Annual Member you will be able to SAVE money shopping with some of our Quality BLACK Owned Businesses on our TEAM.

2. Your Annual Membership Fee will also help us in financially building, protecting and maintaining our city.


Annual Membership Fees: For Adults Only!

Individuals (for people not businesses) 



Basic - $100.00 

Silver - $500.00

Gold - $5,000.00

BLACK (Platinum) - $10,000.00


Membership Basic Silver Gold BLACK
 $100 $500  $5,000 $10,000


We will be seeking Annual Memberships soon.

*Every new member will receive one FREE gift from Ustawiville, plus other incentives.


Basic Membership - Package #1

$100-$499.99 – Your Name Placed on our Historical Document and 1 Ustawiville Pin


Silver Membership  - Package #2

$500-$4,999.99 – (Package #1) PLUS - Name Recognition in Ustawiville Founders’ Museum & 1 Ustawiville T-shirt*


Gold Membership - Package #3

$5,000-$9,999.99 – (Package #2) PLUS - Your Picture in Ustawiville Founders’ Museum and a Plaque*


BLACK Membership - Package #4

$10,000-$49,999.99 – (Package #3) PLUS - 1 Building Named After You in Ustawiville and 1 Ustawiville Jacket*

 $50,000-$99,999.99 – (Package #3) PLUS - 1 Building Named After You in Ustawiville and 1 Ustawiville Jacket* + 1 Street Named After You in Ustawiville*

 $100,000 and up – (Package #3) PLUS - 1 Building Named After You in Ustawiville and 1 Ustawiville Jacket, 1 Street Named After You in Ustawiville* + 1 Neighborhood Named After You in Ustawiville*



Ustawiville Annual Membership Discounts Below:

Basic: 10% Off

Silver: 15% Off

Gold: 20% Off

BLACK (Platinum): 30% Off


The discounts listed above are limited to certain Ustawiville goods/services and events.


Ustawiville Annual Membership Residential Special Discount:

*Apartment leases in Ustawiville:  (Additional discount with RNC payment)
(Limited Time Offer)


We are accepting donations.

 Cash App: $Ustawiville